CanCon Podcast Ep. 39: Are Canadian healthtech startups doomed to fail?


Healthcare in Canada is often discussed as a point of pride – universal healthcare for everybody. For a country that is relatively progressive when it comes to healthcare, why is it that healthtech startups have such a difficult time surviving in the Canadian ecosystem?

The Canadian telecom industry received surprising news with Rogers announcing that Guy Laurence would be stepping down as CEO, effective immediately. The CanCon team tries to get to the bottom of why what was a bigger sticking point at Rogers: personality or competition. And why is AT&T trying to be like Rogers right when Rogers isn’t?

Tune in as CanCon’s podcast crew – Erin Bury, Managing Director of 88 Creative, Patrick O’Rourke, Senior Editor for MobileSyrup, and Douglas Soltys, BetaKit Editor in Chief – diagnoses the problem with healthtech in Canada, and apply for the Rogers CEO position.

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CanCon Podcast Episode 39 (10/26/16)

Checking the pulse of Canadian healthtech
Why Canadian Healthcare startups fail

No CEO, no problem!
Rogers CEO Guy Laurence will step down immediately
Rogers reportedly undertook its quest to replace Guy Laurence 7 months ago
A poor relationship with the Rogers family may be the reason Guy Laurence stepped down as CEO

AT&T bought Darth Vader
AT&T acquires Time Warner Cable
Merger breakdown chart

Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “The Stranger” by Gord Downie

PayPal ad music: Catmosphere – Candy-Coloured Sky, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA Attribution-Share Alike license.


Robyn Edgar

Robyn Edgar has a background in computer science, Arctic biology and bioinformatics, but she chose to leave the research world to bring science and tech to the public in the form of broadcast media. She's now BetaKit's resident audio producer. In her spare time, she volunteers at a campus radio station and practices her "old timey" radio voice impressions.

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