CanCon Podcast Ep. 28: Should Canada practice startup protectionism?

Made in Canada

This week the CanCon podcast is all about what it takes for businesses to succeed, and what happens when you don’t want them to.

Uber is leaving China after an unsuccessful attempt at establishing themselves in the Chinese market. The team discusses how China’s government plays a part in which tech companies succeed in the country, leading to talk of the recent lawsuit from Wind’s previous owner. What role should the Canadian government play in controlling which tech companies are at the forefront of the Canadian market?

On the opposite end of the spectrum Snow Ventures wants to bet that startups will fail. Much like the people that were the focus of The Big Short, Snow Ventures wants to profit on the possibility that the startup market is a bubble that will eventually pop. How ethical is it to bet against innovation and what are the outcomes?

Tune in as the CanCon team – Igor Bonifacic, MobileSyrup Senior Editor, Erin Bury, Managing Director of 88 Creative, Rob Kenedi, TWG’s Entrepreneur in Residence and host of the amazing #smallrooms podcast, and Douglas Soltys – discusses the merits of shorting startups.

Have some hot takes on our hot takes? Email us, post a comment below with the answer, or better yet, rate CanCon 5-stars on iTunes and post your answer there.

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Special thanks to TWG for helping make the CanCon Podcast happen!


CanCon Podcast Episode 28 (08/09/16)

Does foreign equal failure?
Uber in China: Why Foreigners Never Win in Tech
Wind mobile global telecom holdings suing Canada for 1.32 billion

Winter is coming… Bet on it!
Snow Ventures is betting against startups
Hootsuite is cashflow positive

Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “True Patriot Love” by Joel Plaskett

PayPal ad music: Catmosphere – Candy-Coloured Sky, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA Attribution-Share Alike license.


Robyn Edgar

Robyn Edgar has a background in computer science, Arctic biology and bioinformatics, but she chose to leave the research world to bring science and tech to the public in the form of broadcast media. She's now BetaKit's resident audio producer. In her spare time, she volunteers at a campus radio station and practices her "old timey" radio voice impressions.

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