When Apple stood up to the FBI a few weeks ago, we discussed the global implications of the tech leader’s fight for the security of its platform and the privacy of its users. Startling reporting in the past week, indicating BlackBerry’s cooperation in an RCMP criminal investigation, as well as the potential use of ‘Stingray’ devices by Canada’s federal police force, has brought the debate far closer to home. Again, if forces us to ask: can Canadians have any expectation of digital privacy, and if so, who will enforce it?
While Canadian tech companies are working with the federal government to pick conversations out of the air, the Ontario government is working on picking Canadian tech winners. A buried report unearthed by the National Post raises serious questions about how and why governments spend money to foster innovation.
Tune in as the CanCon podcast team – Igor Bonifacic, Senior Editor of MobileSyrup, Jessica Galang, BetaKit’s News Editor, and Rob Kenedi, TWG’s Entrepreneur in Residence and host of the amazing #smallrooms podcast – slide into your BBMs and suggest a robo-advisor for Canadian innovation funding.
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Special thanks to our presenting sponsor, PayPal, and our media partner, TWG, for helping make the CanCon Podcast happen!
CanCon Podcast Episode 13 (04/20/16)
The privacy debate hits home
Exclusive: Canadian Police Obtained BlackBerry’s Global Decryption Key
Exclusive: How Canadian Police Intercept and Read Encrypted BlackBerry Messages
Privacy commissioner will investigate whether RCMP uses mobile surveillance devices
John Chen confirms BlackBerry cooperation in RCMP case, little else (note: CanCon #13 was recorded prior to this article being published)
A government report you’ll (actually) want to read
Buried report reveals corporate giants gained the most from billions spent to support business in Ontario
Andrew Coyne: Why Ontario’s business support program is a harmful, distortionary waste of money
Ontario’s business grants: Read the full report on where the billions of public dollars go
Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “Cause = Time” by Broken Social Scene
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