BlancRide wants its carpooling technology to take more cars off the road


Apps that let users share or snag rides for cheap on demand are currently all the rage, and Toronto-based BlancRide is finding its niche in an interesting segment of this market: those who consistently need a ride from point A to point B.

Pitching on The Disruptors, BlancRide explained how it hopes to take more cars off the road. BlancRide’s platform, which is targeted to people who consistently go between locations like work and home, currently has 12,000 users in Toronto, and, interestingly, is available in Venezuela. “With a tap, you can see who are the people that are travelling along your route, and pick the person who potentially shares some interest with you and you can share the ride together,” said Hamid Akbari, CEO and founder of BlancRide. Money is automatically split between the driver and passenger to remove that friction.

“You’re on the highway and you look at the car on your left, and the car on your right, and you’re all going in the same direction. This potentially solves that problem,” said co-host Amber Kanwar.

Co-host Bruce Croxon, for his part, wondered how big the market is as people often organize themselves. “You see them in the place you park before you get on the lane, you’ve got lanes that people can take advantage of, so I guess this app kind of takes it to the next level where it can organize and bring people together using technology,” he said.

Watch the whole pitch below:

BetaKit is a production partner on The Disruptors. Tune in to BNN every Thursday night at 7pm for full episodes!

Jessica Galang

Jessica Galang

Freelance tech writer. Former BetaKit News Editor.

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