This week on the CanCon podcast, the team debates whether nostalgia is a renewable resource.
Pokémon GO has taken the world by storm even though the game itself is seemingly nothing new. Augmented reality is an age-old technology that has been in development since the late 60’s. Although Pokémon GO thrills its users by bringing pokémon into their worlds, the CanCon team raises the question: is it really the tech that has people hooked? Or just nostalgia?
While most of the world has been out catching pokémon, Elon Musk was working away on his Master Plan, Part Two. Released during the middle of last week among an already heightened media atmosphere for Tesla, Musk declared that his initial goal – to build a high volume, affordable electric car – has been achieved, and the company is now moving on to higher and loftier goals.
Tune in as the CanCon team – Patrick O’Rourke, MobileSyrup Senior Editor, Erin Bury, Managing Director of 88 Creative, Rob Kenedi, TWG’s Entrepreneur in Residence and host of the amazing #smallrooms podcast, and Douglas Soltys, BetaKit Editor in Chief – discuss two very different phenoms.
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Special thanks to TWG for helping make the CanCon Podcast happen!

CanCon Podcast Episode 26 (07/25/16)
Gotta Catch the Craze
Pokémon GO Takes Us Back To The Future of Augmented Reality
Allen Lau discusses what happens when a company goes viral before it can scale
I’m (still) Iron Man
Elon Musk’s Master Plan, Part Deux
Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “End of a Hollywood Bedtime Story” by The Dears
Ad music: Catmosphere – Candy-Coloured Sky, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA Attribution-ShareAlike license