New App Recommends Montreal’s Best Places, Taps Local Celebrity Knowledge

Montreal CEO Charles-Eric Gascon has launched an invite-only mobile app called Airborne that reveals the best places to visit in Montreal, recommended by relevant experts and celebrities.

Olympic Gold Medalist Alexandre Bilodeau, Fashion Designer Marie Saint-Pierre, TV personality Geneviève Borne and Toqué! Restaurant owner Normand Laprise will all lend their opinions to various Montreal dining options, tourist destinations, nightlife attractions and more. Specifically, the celebs offer insight in the app about how they like to “live” their favourite places in the city.

The app’s tagline is “The Insights of Montreal’s Finest.”

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We’re not too sure how successful it’ll be, given that most modern smartphone wielders would likely rather trust the opinion of their friends, rather than celebrities they’ve never met. However, it sounds like with more and more users the idea is that more than just celebs will be able to offer their take on a various spot within the city. In that sense its almost like an app targeting nostalgia, for place reviews.

“You learn from the top talents in your city,” wrote Gascon. “You can experience how they live the places that matter to them, save them for future discovery, or create your own list of the places you value. Your insights are like a lens. When worn, they allow richer details to be uncovered. In our case, the more insights you save, the more fascinating places around you will become familiar.”

Its the “genius” of sharing our knowledge, wrote Gascon: it gives places around you more meaning, and it means discovering the unknown with confidence.

Airborne reached out to “top talents in all professions” for them to share their insights on how they “live” Montreal. Airborne said that those insights “will help you see unique places the way they do and relive the good times they had; a good marriage between knowledge and trust.”

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