BetaKit’s Tom Emrich Among Mesh14 Conference Speakers

BetaKit and MobileSyrup reporter Tom Emrich will speak at the upcoming Mesh14 Conference in Toronto, May 27-28. The conference calls itself  “Canada’s premier digital conference,” and explores how the Web is evolving, the emergence of new and emerging trends, and what’s over the digital horizon.

Emrich will speak on behalf of his own wearables news website, WeAreWearables, and will also take part in a panel discussion around understanding the potential of wearable technology.

At Mesh Emrich will speak along with several other notable personalities in the Canadian startup world. They include GoInstant’s Jevon MacDonald, Bionym’s Andrew D’Souza, Wattpad’s Melissa Shapiro, Slack’s Stewart Butterfield, author/TV host Amber MacArthur and many more.

mesg1Mesh said on its website that it’s a “thinking person’s conference,” with challenging, insightful, engaging and provocative speakers and content. “We want people to come away from mesh with new ideas, inspiration and tons of food for thought on how they personally and professionally use the Web.”

“A key part of mesh is that most of our presentations are interactive discussions in which attendees play an active role. We encourage attendees to ask questions and provide insight based on their experiences to complement the expertise of the people on stage,” wrote the conference.

It also looks like the conference is set to have to pretty cool, meaningful discussions. The topics include Smarter Cities: How Technology is Reinventing a Smarter Wheel; Digital Canada 150: Set for Failure?; Plotting Your Mobile Power Play: How To Plan, Design and Build a Useful Second-Screen Experience; Empowering Positive Behaviour Change through Mobile Technology; Beyond Mobile: Understanding the Potential of Wearable Tech; Why Video is Your Best Friend; Open Data, Civic Tech and Hacking for Good, and more.

LRGmeshfutureofworkHere’s the seven keynote speakers:

Mark Little- Storyful

Maggie Fox- SAP

Neil Harbisson- Artist and cyborg activist

Boris Wertz- version one ventures

Jevon MacDonald- GoInstant

Darren McColl- SapientNitro

David Bradfield- SapientNitro

For most of the startup leaders speaking, check out the extended list here.



Founded in 2012. BetaKit is built for the people tracking, financing, and building the next generation of Canadian business. Our mission is to connect, interrogate, and inform Canadian tech.

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