BetaKit’s Guide to Elevate Wellness

Elevate Health

Returning for its third year, Elevate is now simply too big for one event guide. So BetaKit has produced a guide to every event and stage taking place across the seven-day festival. You can find a link to each individual guide on our Guide to Elevate 2019 hub page.

Wellness has evolved beyond a strict diet and monthly pass to the gym. Today’s apps are guides to a ‘balanced’ lifestyle, and rapid advancements in technology are creating opportunities to transform how we treat and prevent illnesses.

“To succeed…you have to feel that the success of your project or your invention is even more important than your own life.”
– Martine Rothblatt

Martine Rothblatt, founder and CEO of biotechnology company United Therapeutics, was inspired to start a business to save her daughter’s life. Speaking at Elevate Wellness, the one-time founder of SiriusXM will share her new mission to manufacture an unlimited supply of transplantable organs, and how we can live forever by uploading our subconscious to the cloud.

“To succeed with such an effort, you have to feel that the success of your project or your invention is even more important than your own life,” says Rothblatt.

What impact does unchecked technology have on personal health? Stef Sanjati, CEO of Sanjati Inc, is known for the deeply honest documentation of her gender transition and discussion of difficult subjects like mental health and eating disorders. Sanjati will bring this openness to the Elevate Wellness stage, shining a light on the epidemic of burnout faced by YouTube Creators due to the increasing demand of fan expectations and algorithms.

Elevate Wellness will also highlight the shortcomings of the existing health care systems. The day will feature Tonya Lewis Lee, the creator of the 2009 documentary Crisis in the Crib: Saving Our Nation’s Babies, which tackled the issue of infant mortality rates in African Americans in the U.S., which are twice as high as the general population.

Featuring leaders in the health ecosystem, CEOs, and content creators, Elevate Wellness will provide a glimpse into the future of healthcare and the social challenges we face preparing for it.

Click here or use the code “ELEVATELOVESBETAKIT” to purchase your Elevate 2019 tickets at a 20% discount.

BetaKit is an Elevate media partner.



Founded in 2012. BetaKit is built for the people tracking, financing, and building the next generation of Canadian business. Our mission is to connect, interrogate, and inform Canadian tech.

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