Jolt » Canadian Accelerator Programs


101 College Street Suite 230 Toronto Ontario M5G 1L7 Canada Website: JOLT
Photo of Jolt

Biographical Info

JOLT is a technology accelerator dedicated to building high-growth web and mobile companies that promise to transform the way consumers and enterprises interact with technologies.
At JOLT, our goal is to dramatically improve your startup’s execution and time-to-market. We work closely with entrepreneurs from initial product launch through the next stage of company development and fundraising.

In four months, JOLT participants will focus intently on their product’s market readiness. You’ll participate in workshops, meet one on one with advisors every week, and attend special speaker events where you can network with industry experts, partners and potential customers in your market.

How do we do it? Our partners and mentors have started and run some of the most successful technology, communications and entertainment companies in Canada. We’ve pulled together expertise from the creative arts, design and technology sectors, and combined it with MaRS’ business-building experience to deliver one of Canada’s most unique accelerator programs.

Categories: Accelerator Programs